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October2022 Monthly Article-美国国债收益率上涨对于世界几个大国汇率的影响

张雄艺术网 http://www.zxart.cn发布时间:2022-11-16 来源: Economic-Xray EconomicXray 作者: EconomicXray

The impact of rising US Treasury yields on the exchange rates of some of the world's largest countries





Economic factors, specifically domestic investment, GDP growth, international trade, capital flows, etc. For example, the impact of investment demand on my country's exchange rate is mainly reflected in the overall situation of my country's economy and its attractiveness to foreign capital. The growth of GDP will inevitably lead to an increase in the demand for the local currency, which will cause the exchange rate of the local currency to rise.

Monetary factors are money supply, control policies, capital flows, foreign exchange reserves, etc.


International factors, specifically the trend of the US dollar and some international emergencies. It is no wonder that the trend of the US dollar is affected by the Fed's statement (the Fed's monetary policy, interest rate hikes, officials' hawk-to-dove speech, etc.) and the US domestic economic situation (mainly reflected in the form of economic data: non-agricultural employment data, CPI, PPI, etc.) two aspects.


Changes in the international and domestic political situation have a great impact on the exchange rate. If the situation is stable, the exchange rate will be stable; if the situation is turbulent, the exchange rate will fall. Aspects that require attention include international relations, partisan struggles, key government officials, unrest, riots, and more. Generally speaking, international related events usually first cause the appreciation and depreciation of the local currency, which is transmitted to the appreciation and depreciation of the US dollar exchange rate, and finally affects the exchange rate.


Four transaction factors. The psychological expectations of foreign exchange market participants have a serious impact on the direction of the exchange rate. For the appreciation or depreciation of a certain currency, the market often forms its own views. Under the circumstance that a certain consensus is reached, the exchange rate will change within a certain period of time. At this time, the exchange rate may rise and fall completely out of the fundamentals or the central bank may Situations in which the intervention is ineffective.




The international organization warned the UK of slow economic growth next year at a time when high domestic inflation in the UK is impacting on several social and political levels. On October 11, rising U.S. 10-year Treasury yields and concerns about volatility in the U.K. Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey (Andrew Bailey) warned on the 11th that pension managers to complete the rebalancing of their positions this week. As the British 30-year bond yields jumped upward more than 30 basis points earlier this week, which means the Bank of England is under greater pressure to launch a bolder plan, or risk the exchange rate of the pound against the dollar to parity. UBS said on the 11th that while the Bank of England's injection of liquidity into the bond market has brought U.K. Treasury yields back down from their initial highs, the relatively small scale of bond purchases looks to be hurting related progress.

国际组织警告英国明年经济增长缓慢,而此时英国国内的高通胀率正对多个社会和政治层面产生影响。10月11日,在美国10年期国债收益率上升和对英国经济波动的担忧下,英国央行行长Andrew Bailey警告,养老金管理人员要在本周完成仓位再平衡工作。由于本周早些时候英国30年期国债收益率向上跳升超过30个基点,这意味着英国央行面临更大的压力,即必须推出更大胆的计划,否则英镑兑美元的汇率将面临平价的风险。

Meanwhile, a UK Treasury spokesman said in a statement that they are aware that people are feeling the effects of price increases caused by global economic factors, which were triggered by Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine. The price of much food and everyday goods in the UK continues to rise at the fastest rate in more than 40 years. Unions across the UK have been calling for pay rises to help workers cope with the pressure on family life caused by the rising cost of living Economic pressures have immediately affected British politics: the finalists who are running for the next Conservative Party leader and Prime Minister have proposed their own tax cuts to attract voters once they take office. 






Sanctions were imposed on Russia from the US and EU during Russian-Ukraine war, which leads to depreciation of the Ruble. Speculators therefore choose to sell Russian assets and buy American Treasury bonds, which currently yields the highest since 2008. Meanwhile, foreign investors are reducing the investment which weaken Russia’s economic growth, which causes further depreciation of the Ruble. However, households in Russia do not have emergency mentality since they have few foreign exchange reserves. In order to mitigate devaluation, the Russian government could raise deposit rates, which protects individual savings and lower the risk of inflation through stabilizing the Ruble. Another possible solution is to use the Ruble for various trade settlement, which will raise various trade settlement, which will raise the international ruble requirements and ease the depreciation pressure on the ruble. It is disadvantageous that long-term decoupling from the international financial market would curb Russia's future economic development, however, since Russia has rich assets, the financial war would not change its financial operation rules.




The Chinese economy has been growing at a rapid rate, attracting foreign investment and reserve rates. The credit for the long-term development of the Chinese economy can be, partially, credited to the U.S. Treasury. The U.S. Treasury bonds increase the value of foreign exchange rates and avoid shrinkage. The Chinese real interest rates have risen, and they’re recovering faster than the economy of the United States. The U.S. has indicated an upward trend in “finished production inventories” as an economic momentum indicator. The upward impact of U.S. bond interest rates on China's domestic interest rates is limited. Inflation rates are expected to continuously rise. This is because the United States' output has been unable to cope with rising consumer demand. On the other hand, China's subsidies are mainly for enterprises. Likewise, the rise in oil and commodity prices has little impact on China's CPI. The rise in US Treasury bonds may trigger a correction in the foreign exchange market, which may cause a small effect on the monetary policy choice of China's central bank. The rising U.S. Treasury yields will lead to the phenomenon that China’s currency depreciating. The depreciation of the RMB will cause a decrease in imported goods, and the profits of enterprises that are mainly imported goods will decline. This will lead to an increase in the price of consumer goods in our country. In relation, it will cause a decline in the purchasing power of consumers.

中国经济一直在快速增长,吸引外国投资和储备利率。中国经济长期发展的功劳可以部分归功于美国财政部。美国国债增加了外汇汇率的价值,避免了缩水。中国的实际利率已经上升,而且复苏的速度比美国的经济还要快。美国已将“成品库存”作为经济动能指标显示出上升趋势。美债利率上行对中国国内利率的影响有限。预计通货膨胀率将持续上升。这是因为美国的产出已经无法应对不断增长的消费需求。另一方面,中国的补贴主要是针对企业的。同样,石油和大宗商品价格的上涨对中国的 CPI 影响不大。美国国债的上涨可能引发外汇市场的回调,这可能对中国央行的货币政策选择产生不小的影响。美国国债收益率的上升将导致中国货币贬值的现象。人民币贬值将导致进口商品减少,以进口商品为主的企业利润将下降。这将导致我国消费品价格上涨。相对而言,这将导致消费者购买力的下降。



The main country that we are discussing here, is Canada, known as the second-largest country in this planet, which shares the border with the United States. Today, we are going to focus on the economy of this amazing country. If we take a first look, we could see that Canada’s GDP growth rate is basically the same as the US. 


To begin with, since Canada used to be colonized by the Great Britain and Canada gained diplomatic independence in 1926. As a result, Canada was significantly influenced by the British, especially in the aspect of economy. However, in the 20th century, the situation has changed. Because Canada is in the vicinity of the US, its industry is significantly influenced by the United States.



As the Treasury yields rise, it attracts investors because investors like the safety and fixed returns of bonds bought by Treasury yields. To remain competitive, interest rates on other bonds and loans increase as Treasury yields rise. 

When the yields rise in the second market, the government has to pay a higher interest rate to attract buyers, which increases the demand for Treasuries, leading to the increase in value of the dollar.

Since the dollar has been appreciated and the major commodities are priced in dollars. The prices for corresponding commodity prices should fall. As a result, the appreciation of the US dollars benefit the economy of the whole country by increasing the value of the currency and the purchasing power. However, this would also have some impacts on industries like exports and imports, depending on the change of the dollar index.






Yixuan Chen

Jayden Han 

Canssandra Yang

Hao Jin

Shirley Wu

Tracy Zong


Chloe Pascoe

Genesis Li

Victoria Wang

Sky Zhou


Melody Huang

Cliey Li





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